This will be somewhat long. I believe you are capable and intelligent enough to read it and comprehend it all, so I am kindly asking all of you to do that, time permitting.
Over the six years I have been in crypto, I have truly witnessed the gamut of human behavior; from the most redemptive to the most hypocritical and vile. For those of you who were there, there is no doubt that the best days were the days before things went mainstream. For me personally, the space is more painful and stressful than anything for me these days. But I must continually remind myself that what I feel is always more perception than reality.
It’s easy to look at the ecosystem and feel like things are superficial and driven by greed. The truth? People’s actions are more likely the result of desperation than greed. The majority of people don’t have enough of what they need, and many don’t see any viable way to resolution. So it may initially make me feel discouraged, but if I look objectively, the state of things is more reason than ever to fight back. And if anything, to kick it up a notch.
When something changes in a way that we don’t like, we can either let it happen, or we can do something about it. And doing something about it, doesn’t happen alone.
All of the people who are receiving this message follow me. Nearly all of you have had some interaction with me. Most of you, have expressed views over your time in crypto that align (at least somewhat) with the original cypherpunk ideology. Collectively, you are the best group of people to present with this message, within the network that I have.
I know some of you are more “about” the original intentions of crypto than others. As with all things idealistic, a lot of people talk about supporting something, but not many are genuinely about it. A lot of people are going to pretend like they are about something, if it benefits the perceived image that others will have of them.
One of the truly discouraging things I have found, is that when it comes down to acting on it, there are very very few people inclined to do so. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of acting under the right conditions.
In a way, what I’m doing here is putting the people who may possess that inclination on the spot.
You may feel this is somewhat presumptive and manipulative. You may be right.
But I am just doing what I have to do.
I am one of the most serious people in all of crypto when it comes to working towards the real, radical mission as originally intended. I’m not here to make memes. I’m here to help bring down the global financial system. I mean that literally. It’s not a pipe dream or a crusade built out of desperation. This isn’t the fight of some homeless kid with a fantasy of making the world fair. This is the fight of an intelligent and fiercely capable individual who is calling on the best people he has found over six years in crypto, to help him do something necessary and critically important.
There may be only a handful of you who believe destroying the global financial system is possible. There may only be a couple who know how we would go about. But one of you, not only knows how, but has lived it and seen the power of the method.
His name is Lasith and he lives in Sri Lanka. He’s a fan of the Banksters collection, and he’s a big reason I’m sending this message. He’s probably one of the only people I’m relatively certain will reply “I’m in” at the end. Which means he’s one of the most important people out there. Because the first follower in a movement is the single most powerful person.
Lasith has seen first hand the power of participating in a movement. He has lived it when a million people amassed and overran the presidential palace a few years back. He understands that the masses have power, and that when they take action, and assemble, things happen.
Most of the people on this earth are good people. But bad people run the world for two simple reasons. They organize. And they take action. Far better than good people.
All non violent paths towards societal change begin with protest. Protest is not just holding up signs and being loud. Protest involves assembling under a common cause with the actions and efforts going towards spreading a message. Protest is not a complicated tool. It is an essential and effective one.
People are mostly creatures of mimicry. They care about the things they hear about, and they do the things they see others doing. Tokens are naturally similar to how protest works. They begin with a small following, and as soon as enough people see others joining, they ramp up and then explode. Communities naturally form around tokens. Tokens have a natural power to galvanize people around something because the nature or crypto is self empowering and built on decentralized community. Tokens literally offer the perfect platform for protest. However, none are used to that effect.
But it doesn’t mean they can’t be.
Think about all the scam tokens in the market. Why do they continue to proliferate and exist? The answer is simple. Because dishonest actors have organized and taken action and the good ones have not. Bad actors have built up the channels of social influence, they have developed the software to allow for the creation and automation of thousands of wallets to give the impression that many others are already involved. They have hijacked the hardest part of a protest. They have automatic and fake methods to reach the point of where the common person finds comfort joining.
They have given a horrible image to anything related to tokens. And the biggest hurdle here; is convincing you to get past image. Whether you admit it or not, image rules a lot of your life. Especially for the artists here. And especially in the online crypto sphere.
Some of you have a very strong image set in your head for me, too. It is not surprising. There is no demographic that is more susceptible to stereotyping than someone who falls into the demographic of homeless. And that stereotyping has been my primary identity since I found crypto in 2018. A good person will have a higher volition for treating a homeless person with goodwill and grace, but will be less likely to view them as capable, experienced, or knowledgeable. A lot of what I say, will be naturally disregarded by many of you for that reason alone.
In some areas, yes, I am deficient. Socially, I have far less comfort and capacity to integrate or establish parity. But as far as my experience, I’ve been through a lot more adversity than most and I am less ruled by ego or image than most. Once you have eaten out of trash cans, it’s hard to keep much of an ego. Intellectually, I am FAR more capable than most. ( 99.98% of people in fact, based on the score of the WAIS-IV I completed while being assessed for disability in 2017)
Although, I suppose intelligence isn’t respected that much these days. Look at Satoshi. Immensely intelligent. (The ability to create something truly novel is perhaps the greatest mark of intelligence that exists) Yet nobody really focuses on the content of his correspondence with others. And few even take the time to understand his intentions or his advisements, or his insight on how to successfully accomplish what he intended.
If they did, they would find that Satoshi clearly believed and understood that the Banking industry was the primary causation of humanities problems. They would understand that Satoshi himself identified that bitcoin would not be the ultimate solution and would very likely end up as a method of large scale settlement amongst banks. Satoshi too, had self acknowledged deficiencies. He understood his writing was poor, and his social tact was limited. He acknowledged that there was perhaps no greater challenge that lay ahead than convincing people that the end game was even possible.
Unfortunately, to this point, Crypto has mostly served as a tool for the transference of wealth that already existed into a format that actually makes it far easier for those with wealth to continue to amass it. Its effect for creating a financial revolution, has been minimal. But there is one redeeming truth which will not ever change, regardless of how much the disparity of wealth increases.
And it is this.
The power exists in the belief of the masses.
The ownership of resources, and the nature of wealth, hinges upon the widespread surrender by humanity to a system that the banks control, but which they cannot enforce without the willingness of the populace.
Our problems primarily derive from resource deprivation, as our society is structured around the hijacking and ransom of resources, requiring the masses to engage in destructive and wasteful toil in order to be able to survive. But all it takes for the whole system to fall apart, and for the disparity to end, is for a mass rejection of the system. People think it is impossible, or that it is would cause destabilization. But the people who think that, are only repeating ideas they have been conditioned to think. An intelligent and thoughtful analysis however, will reveal that it shouldnt be that difficult once attempted, nor would it be detrimental to the world. In fact; it would be the exact opposite. Things would start to improve. Drastically and quickly. The change would be similar to how we saw pollution disappear during Covid lockdowns. Once the true cause of a problem is arrested, change happens tremendously fast and in surprising amounts.
Simona has known me the longest out of anyone here. She has known me since I was picking up trash for $5 in ethereum back in 2018. She knows that I have always viewed crypto as a tool of protest and as one that should serve the masses.
In 2018, the most powerful banker in the world, came out and publicly demanded that crypto people stop making tokens. He knew the threat that they posed to the system. It is us, that doesn’t seem to realize it.
There is one way forward and there is no better time than now.
Throw the image you have formed in your head about what tokens are to be used for away. Align it with what they were originally INTENDED FOR.
Dont be an elitist douche.
Start a protest with me.
Help me shill it.
Help me run a telegram where people make memes of fat bankers that say FUCK THE BANKS.
Help me spread it.
Help me grow it.
We can call it Satoshis Dream.
We can call it Fuck the banks.
We can call it whatever the fuck anybody wants as long as you help me do it.
This is the path to change.
This is how it begins.
I know Lasith is in.
If Alotta Money was here he’d be in too.
That…I’m sure of.
Now……Who else is in?
It’s a token called FUCKTHEBANKS.
That’s the purpose.
That’s the utility.
That’s the value.
I’ve spent six years trying to figure out the best way to explain to people why it’s not a joke. Why the name makes it valuable. Whyy the name is the utlity. Why it represents everything that crypto intended to do.